Backpack Program
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Or mail a check to:
Baldwinsville Rotary
Baldwinsville Rotary
c/o Backpack Program
PO Box 713
PO Box 713
Baldwinsville, NY 13027
Most recently, we have received donations from:
UnitedhealthCare Central NYConnected Cities
Baldwinsville Kiwanis Club
St Mary’s, St Augustine’s and St Elizabeth Ann Seton Churches
Scott Northrup of State Farm Insurance
Baldwinsville Volunteer Center
Maureen & Tom Annal
The Baldwinsville Volunteer Center (BVC) will be holding a drive to benefit our Backpack Program. If you are interested in donating, drop off dates and times are:
Tuesday, 5/21/24 from 9-12p
Wednesday, 5/22/24 from 3-6p
Thursday, 5/23/24 from 9-12p
The drop off location is at the BVC office at 8220 Loop Rd
The door to our office is located to the left side of the building
around the corner.
Please call Carmey Evans, BVC Director, at (315) 638-0251
if you need more information.
See needed items below!
Our program is meant to supplement meal programs and family food pantry contributions with individually packaged, single-serving foods/snacks just for the kids. Here are the items we are providing to schools weekly:
- Breakfast bars/cereals without peanuts
- Breakfast bars/cereals with peanuts
- Cheese crackers (no peanuts)
- Sandwich crackers
- Pretzels
- Jif to go
- Raisins
- Fruit cups and/or Fruit cups in gel
- Applesauce
- Microwaveable meals and single serving soups
It is important that all items are new, in their own packaging, single-serving and not expired.
WT Brews
18 E Genesee Street (Behind Dollar Tree)
During regular business hours
During regular business hours
If shopping on Amazon, have your items shipped to:
Baldwinsville Public Library
Backpack Program
33 E Genesee Street, Baldwinsville NY 13021
Backpack Program
33 E Genesee Street, Baldwinsville NY 13021
Thank you to everyone who has taken time to support this important nutritional program in our community!
In 2015 we began with 1 school and a handful of students. This year we now service 140+ students within all 8 schools in the Baldwinsville School district. All is confidential. The school provides the needed number of students and our Rotarian volunteers do the rest.
Our Mission: To provide weekend food supplements for our students who might otherwise go hungry.
Our Vision: Our Backpack Program strives to provide weekend supplements by empowering our community to take action. During the 2022 – 2023 school year we distributed more than 43,314 single serving, ready to eat foods.
Why Do We Do It: The 2022 – 2023 NYSED’s Student Information Repository System reports 25% of our students qualified for free or reduced meals during the week. At the present time our school district provides free meals to all students when school is in session but many are faced with little to no food on the weekend.
How to get involved: See the list below of single serving supplements and drop off locations to pitch in with food donations or donate money to help our team purchase needed items.