About Us
The Rotary Club of Baldwinsville was born on October 31, 1972.
Since then we have served meals for senior citizens, provided dictionaries to third grade students, built a pavilion in Lysander Park, picked up litter along highways and park trails, raised thousands upon thousands of dollars to help the hungry and sick, assisted in national and international disaster relief efforts, shared cultures through a Youth Exchange program, provided dozens of college scholarships, fed elementary children when school's not in session and so much more!
Volunteering with our club will:
-Help you connect to the Baldwinsville community
-Help you connect to the Baldwinsville community
-Build your resume with skills and experience
-Introduce you to a new network of friends
-Provide opportunities for hands-on projects that truly give back
-Help you learn about other cultures
-Make you one of 1.4 million Rotarians around the world
-Introduce you to a new network of friends
-Provide opportunities for hands-on projects that truly give back
-Help you learn about other cultures
-Make you one of 1.4 million Rotarians around the world
-Give you a chance to have fun while helping others!
The Baldwinsville Rotary Club alternates weekly meetings on Tuesday evenings at 7pm and on Wednesdays at 12pm at The Wood Golf & Country Club on Canton Street Road. It's really easiest to just check the Meetings tab for our full schedule of events. If you are coming to a lunch meeting, you can place your food order and pay at the bar before the meeting starts and they will bring out all lunches at the end of the program. Our meetings tend to take on different formats, especially on Tuesday nights, but we typically cover some club business and feature a speaker. Speakers are often from other organizations in the area, can be an expert to teach us about an interesting topic, or even some of the youth that we work with sharing their Rotary experience. More and more, we change things up and do fun stuff like visit a different watering hole, play games and go on adventures like baseball games, museum tours and other special outings.
All are welcome to visit meetings, which are free to attend.
All are welcome to visit meetings, which are free to attend.
Rotary is a community service organization that brings together professionals who use their unique skills as a team, organizing events and implementing programs that address the specific needs of our towns, countries and world. We contribute to one of the world's leading foundations to raise money for programs ranging from community signage to the eradication of disease.
Our vision statement: Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change - across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.
Rotarians follow the motto "Service Above Self."
The Four Way Test of the things we think, say or do is a test used by Rotarians world-wide as a moral code for personal and business relationships. The test can be applied to almost any aspect of life.
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Answers to frequently asked questions about what it means to join Rotary. Don't see an answer to your question here? Contact us with the form right on this page!
What will I have to do? We will ask you to be an active member and help you find an activity within the club that you will enjoy. It could be joining club leadership, it could be participating in an existing committee or it could be coming up with something new for the club to start. We have programs that work with youth, events that serve senior citizens, partnerships with the local chamber and everything in between! There are so many ways to get involved, we know you will be able to find something you find fun, interesting and rewarding.
You will also be asked to follow The Four Way Test (outlined above) in order to embody the principles of our organization. It's as easy as being kind, honest and doing the right thing.
You will need to be prepared to bring your professional and personal talents to the table. We strive to have a diverse club when it comes to interests, abilities and passions. This is your opportunity to apply your skills to helping others!
You will need to be prepared to bring your professional and personal talents to the table. We strive to have a diverse club when it comes to interests, abilities and passions. This is your opportunity to apply your skills to helping others!
How often do I have to attend? There are no attendance rules in Rotary. We hope that you enjoy your time with fellow club members and have so much fun doing projects that you will make us a regular part of your week. There are meetings just about every week, plus additional club and district events for you to choose from. From our experience, there a many benefits to attending regularly, including being tuned into new opportunities to serve and forming real friendships with fellow members.
How much does it cost? Our club's membership dues are $160 per year, due by mid-June each year. Payment plans are available if needed. Meetings are free to attend with happy dollars, food and drinks optional. Some events will cost money, like district dinners and our club's annual Charter Night. You do not have to be wealthy to be a Rotarian - your time is what is most valuable!
What if Rotary just isn't in my budget? We do have a program to support members existing and new with the cost of their dues, either partially or fully depending on need, called Pay It Forward. As much as possible, we don't want to see money as a barrier to membership. These membership grants come with a requirement that you be an active member and must be applied for each year. The program is confidential, with only club leaders who have to review and approve applications knowing who is receiving support. Contact club secretary Jennifer at jljoslyn@hotmail.com if you would like to inquire about this program.
Can my business join your club? We do offer corporate memberships where you can pay dues for one and have up to three additional employees acting as members. This is a unique way to join Rotary and our club is proud to offer it. We have several groups with active members as a result of this program. This is a great way to provide your employees with an opportunity to serve their community! Click here to download the corporate membership application.
Where do I start? We often invite people to attend a meeting and chat with us about Rotary, but it can be intimidating to walk into a room full of strangers. Please reach out to us (contacts below) via email so we can make plans to bring you to the meeting or be sure to meet you when you arrive. Most of our regular meetings are hybrid, so you could also try joining on zoom to check it out. Or, better yet, come to one of our social events that are more casual and give you time to chat with the group. We are a pretty fun bunch and enjoy having other Rotarians and prospective members joining us!
Who do I contact if I want to join? The best place to start is our membership committee, but any Rotarian can help you if you already know someone in our club. Here are some helpful email contacts to get you started with making plans to visit us!
Membership Committee - Marv Joslyn marvd7150@gmail.com
Club President - Jenny Doane jennyames47@gmail.com
Club Secretary - Jennifer Joslyn jljoslyn@hotmail.com
General Club Email bvillerotary1@yahoo.com
Club Secretary - Jennifer Joslyn jljoslyn@hotmail.com
General Club Email bvillerotary1@yahoo.com
Click here to download a membership application.
Backpack Program Sorting Team
Baldwinsville Public LibraryFeb 17, 2025
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM -
Backpack Program Packing Team
Baldwinsville Public libraryFeb 18, 2025
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM -
Marsellus Casket Mfg
the WoodFeb 18, 2025
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM -
Sports BowlFeb 19, 2025 12:00 PM
Backpack Program Sorting Team
Baldwinsville Public LibraryFeb 24, 2025
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM -
A Farewell to Marianne
Shamballa CafeFeb 25, 2025
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM -
Backpack Program Packing Team
Baldwinsville Public libraryFeb 25, 2025
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM -
Black History in CNY
Collegian HotelFeb 25, 2025
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM -
Backpack Program Sorting Team
Baldwinsville Public LibraryMar 03, 2025
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM -
Backpack Program Packing Team
Baldwinsville Public libraryMar 04, 2025
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Welcome to our Club!
Service Above Self
Baldwinsville, NY 13027
United States of America